Growth Mindset

I have never heard about this idea before until now. It sounds very interesting to me because no one has ever taught me anything like that before. If I was to be a kid in school now or a parent of a child in school then I would want to learn like this. The most important thing that a child can hear is that they haven't failed. With this ideology it's just saying they haven't succeeded yet. That's huge for a child's growth as you can see from what happens to the kids in Chicago.

I may fail but I am never a failure. (From the Growth Mindset memes blog)

They get scared of failure so they try to find other ways around it instead of just learning. I remember when I was a kid if I had gotten a low score on a test then I would look around and find out if I was the lowest score. It made me happy to know I wasn't the lowest score because that's the ultimate failure.

 I think if growth mindset was applied to schools more then there would be an upward trend of more successful students. If you look at what happened to the school in Harlem then it is very obvious. I think the best and most surprising example was the Native American reservation in Washington. When Carol Dweck said that the kids were now doing better then kids whose parents worked for Microsoft it shows that this might actually work. I wish I would've learned like this as a kid and hope that this soon becomes part of mainstream education.


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