Time Strategies

From the article 3 Steps to Recapture Time,  the most important thing I took away from it was the first 15 minutes. When Joynicole Martinez talked about how you can't plan a trip if you don't know the destination it really spoke to me. I think that's very true in a lot of instances. I like how she says you shouldn't overload yourself with a lot of things to do and you should break each thing up 3 to 4 times.

The other article I read was the Four Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination . I really enjoyed this one because I am a person that procrastinates a lot. The first question is such a simple thing but the effect of it starts your entire day. Just by doing one thing to start you are ready to control everything.  The third one related to me because I am a person that always tries to find the easiest way to do something and this article basically condones that. The fourth one was a little intense but still had the right idea. If I don't think about my actions of not doing something then I won't fear it as much.
A dog being lazy and not productive, Source: Maxpixel

I definitely learned something new from these articles and will be using them in this class. I even bookmarked these websites because I know it might be smart to look back at them during the middle of the semester.


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