Topic Brainstorm

One of the topics I'm interested in is the Ghost Stories of India. My parents are from Pakistan so I have heard of stories like this. I have heard about bhoots from my cousins trying to scare me so I think it would be cool to tell my own story about a bhoot. I want to know the true beginning of how these stories started because they are told all across the country of India and Pakistan. I think adding all the stories I heard as a kid could make for a great story.

Blackbeard approaching to raid for supplies. Source

Another topic that caught my eye and kind of gave me excitement was Blackbeard the Pirate. I have always been obsessed with the ocean because I used to live 10 minutes away from it when I was a child. Hearing stories about pirates was the most interesting thing to me because these were people who lived in the ocean and would steal from anyone they could. It amazes me that they could last on the ocean for such a long time being so secluded from the rest of society. I have a lot of ideas in the mind that could possibly make for a good story.

The topic of Greek History and Legend intrigues me a lot as well. When I was in Pakistan this past summer I was staying in one of the very cities that Alexander the Great had captured. To think about how long ago that was and his stories are still told to this day show how great he actually was. I don't know much about him so I would just like to know mostly basic stuff, for example why he wanted to be a conquerer. I think for a story I could try and make up a place where he tried to capture but failed to do so.

The last topic that caught my attention was the topic of Tricksters. This may sound bad but I like to think of myself as a trickster in a friendly type of way. I can trick my friends into doing things just because of the way I hold myself and the way I talk. I don't have much knowledge about them so I think it would be cool to learn about them as well. For a story I could possibly have myself as the main character and make it the story a personal experience.


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