Week 6 Story: The Boss and The Secretary

There was a manager who operated a business and was busy all the time. He never had time to relax because people were bothering him constantly for his time.  Even the smallest things like just replying to simple text message made him upset because he felt like he didn't have time for it. He then asked his boss who was the head of all the business about what he should do and the boss said he should simply hire an assistant. He said an assistant could do all the things he does not want to do.

After thinking about this for a while he decided to actually hire an assistant.  The assistant was the best person for the job because for the first time in a long time the manager was relaxed because his assistant was doing all the small things he did not want to do. The assistant didn't mind doing all the small things because she was getting paid very well and she had the title of Senior Assistant. When people would she was a Senior Assistant she was well respected.

One day a salesman came into the office and asked to speak with the boss of the assistant. The assistant asked why and the salesman said he had a computer software which could schedule appointments and do all these little tasks. The assistant realized that this was her entire job and told the salesman to leave. She was afraid that this software would make her expendable.

Computer Software, Source

After a while the assistant became tired of working and decided to leave for a month. Before she left she brought a replacement for her who would cover her job while she was gone. The same salesman came back and asked the temp if he could see the boss and the temp said yes. The salesman convinced the manager that he needs the software and he could save a lot of money from it. The manager agreed and bought the software.

When he assistant came back she was told to meet the manager in his office right when she came in. The manager had explained that he bought a software and basically had replaced her with it. The secretary was really sad and started to cry. As soon as she started crying the manager told her that he would give her a different job for him so that she didn't lose her income and she became happy again.

The boss decided that the assistant should have a job that she is best suited for and actually loves. He knew the assistant loved helping him out with his schedule and decided to try to find a job that matched the old job as much as possible. He made a job that would require the assistant to be the entire office's assistant. When the assistant heard about this she was so happy because she felt like she was amazing at her last job. Now she gets to do it for the entire office and basically runs the entire office.

Author's Note:

Tales of a Parrot: The Old Lion and The Cat by

I based this story off a Tales of a Parrot: The Old Lion and The Cat. In that story the lion is being protected from mice by a cat he asks to help him. The cat is smart enough not to kill all the mice because as soon as she does the lion won't need her anymore. In the end of that story the cat loses her job but at the end of my story I make it so the secretary gets another job. I added in a part where the assistant gets a new job that is basically her old job but just with a lot more responsibility. I wanted the assistant to like her old job and be good at it so the story could have a good ending.


  1. Hi, Mohammad! I really enjoyed reading your story and seeing how you turned an old story into something new and into something that you have interest in! The first thing I noticed was that you made the theme of the story about a business, which I know from commenting on your introduction page that you are a business major! Good job on incorporating something that you are passionate about and interested in into one of your own stories! I also like how you were able to make this story into something that is relevant to our world today by including all the technology. I am glad that this story had a happy ending and that the assistant was offered another job! I do wonder what would have happened if she hadn't let the tech guy talk to her boss the second time? Or maybe if she had let him talk to her boss the first time? Anyway, I really enjoyed your story! Good luck on the rest of the semester!

  2. Hi, Mohammad! I really enjoyed your story! I thought it was clever and cool placing it in a modern setting. I liked the twist you took with it! I liked how you incorporated technology with it. It seems like a situation that could totally occur in today, so it felt relatable. Overall, really well done! I hope I get to read more from you soon!


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