Week 14 Reading Notes B: Brothers Grimm Ashliman

I love reading old stories because I see how much they have changed. Also sometimes they tend to stay the same. In this weeks reading most of the stories stayed the same throughout but the endings were a bit different. Also I read some stories that I have never heard of before which give a good insight of the old times they were written in.

The first story that really caught my attention was the story of the goats and the wolfs. In this story the mother goat was leaving her children and warned them to be careful of the wolf because it will try and eat them. The mother told them that the wolf had a loud voice and had black paws so be on the lookout for these things. The wolf did try and come but the kids realized the first time it wasn't there mother by the sound of her voice. After that the wolf then went and ate chalk to make its voice soft. When it went to the house again the wolfs saw the paw of the wolf and said their mother did not have black paws. The wolf then went to a baker to put dough on its paw but the baker refused to do so because it felt that the wolf was trying to trick someone. The wolf threatend to eat the baker and the baker was too scared so he put dough on its paw. In the story when this happened it says that this is why people are they way there are. I found this interesting because I had read this in another story. Most of these old stories have some historical significance. They try to explain why things are the way they are in today's society which is really interesting. In the end the wolfs tricked the kids and ate six out of the seven of them. When the mother came home the seventh child told her what happened the mother reacted quickly and went to go free her kids from the wolfs stomach. She filled it with stones and when the wolf woke up it was thirsty so it went to go get a drink at the river. When it went the stones were to heavy which made the wolf fall into the water and made it drown.

Wolf to represent the one in the story, Source

Brothers Grimm Ashliman


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