Week 14 Extra Reading: Italian Popular Tales

One of the main stories that popped out to me was the story about the Devil and his three wives. I don't know a lot about Italian culture but from what it seems marrying is a big deal to them. In this story the devil wanted to be married and decided to change himself into a handsome young man and marry a beautiful woman. When he became a man he created a house and then went to a family that had three sisters. He chose the oldest sister because he was attracted to her the most at the beginning. He then took her home after marrying her and made her promise not to open a door. I think since he was the devil the reason he did this was because he thought that no human was ever trust worthy enough to do this. He was right with the first and second sister but when it came to the third sister it was different. The third sister knew that the man had killed his two sisters and broke his trust right away. She then saw her two sisters in the fire behind the door and devised a plan to save them all including herself. She pulled her two sisters out and hid them and made the man promise to take three chests to his parents house. The man said he would do it because he actually fell in love with her thinking that she didn't break his trust. He took the three chests to her parents house and discovered when he came home that the woman had hid herself in the chest. When he went to the parents house he saw all three sisters sitting there laughing at him for making such a huge mistake. When he saw this he ran away and decided that he would never marry again. In italian culture I feel that marriage is such a big deal and they are basically saying it is so holy that even the devil wouldn't do it.

Italian Popular Tales

Fire to show what was behind the door, Source


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