Week 6 Story: The Boss and The Secretary

There was a manager who operated a business and was busy all the time. He never had time to relax because people were bothering him constantly for his time. Even the smallest things like just replying to simple text message made him upset because he felt like he didn't have time for it. He then asked his boss who was the head of all the business about what he should do and the boss said he should simply hire an assistant. He said an assistant could do all the things he does not want to do. After thinking about this for a while he decided to actually hire an assistant. The assistant was the best person for the job because for the first time in a long time the manager was relaxed because his assistant was doing all the small things he did not want to do. The assistant didn't mind doing all the small things because she was getting paid very well and she had the title of Senior Assistant. When people would she was a Senior Assistant she was well respected. One day a salesman...